
How do I visualize progress in projects?

With Kinalta, it is easy to see all your active projects.
Sometimes lists are sufficient, and other times visualization is best.

Use a Kanban view to see all projects, not tasks.
Each column represents their progress in their flow from left to right, from starting to delivered.

Never lose the top view of your projects.
What projects are active? How do priorities affect them?

Select the menu Projects, then 3D Kanban.

kanban projects

This is the top view

Now you see all active projects, and visually know where they stand.
Left is where they enter the workflow.
Right is how they end their lifecycle.

Click + Project button, to create a project


Creating a project

It takes 15 seconds flat.
You may choose to create a project and a "client" or "project group" at the same time. A project group is simply a kind of folder. This is why you can use it to group projects for a specific client.
You may also create a simple project unattached to any project group => Select "Team Project" for that.
If the project group or client already exists and you would like to create a new project for this group, select the button "Existing Group".

Confirm and Save


Change the project's priority

Directly from the board, edit the project's card.
The priority will automatically schedule tasks across all projects.

Visualization is also possible using simple lists


Priority list

Click the Projects menu, then select "Priorities".
Everything you can do in the board view, you can do in list view.
The list view is great way to find projects based on groups/clients, alphabetically.


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